New Report Launch: Building an Inclusive Economy

San Jose, CA 94113
This report shares the learnings from the BAYEP project and provides recommendations for improving how the region’s business and civic leaders can create an inclusive economy through offering better supports and opportunities for young men of color and others systematically disadvantaged by our economic system. Our findings are informed by a rich literature in collaboration with LeadersUp as well as companion analyses by PolicyLink and Urban Strategies Council. Crucially, the voices of the young men themselves helped guide our conclusions as we incorporate the findings of surveys and focus groups conducted throughout this effort.
The program will feature a roundtable discussion with key stakeholders in inclusive economy efforts. This includes employers, political leaders, community based organizations, talent development partners, policy advocacy organziations and other stakeholders in the workforce development system.
Closed for RSVPs, please contact Estevan Lopez, Research Analyst for more information.